영어 자작 문제입니다.(3문항)
1. 다음 중 쓰임이 어색한 하나를 고르시오.
The notion of language ecology is in many ways a very ①useful one since it appeals to a notion of environmental protection that is shared by many. From this point of view the problem with the spread of English through the entire world is a complex ②disruption to an ecology of languages. Furthermore, the idea that the introduction of a language into a particular ecology of languages may have ③substantial effects on those languages is a powerful argument that militates against any simple view that one more language might not make a difference. People in Australia are aware of the ④devastating effects of the introduction of European animals into the ⑤invulnerable ecology of Australian wildlife. This image then allow us to draw a parallel between the environmental ecology and the language ecology.
2. 빈 칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
If we are made to live in a small cottage and bend to the rule of an aristocrat occupying a castle, and yet we observe that our equals all live exactly as we do. then our condition will seem normal. If, however, we have a pleasant home and comfortable job but learn through attendance at a school reunion that some of our old friends now reside in houses grander than ours and have more enticing occupations, we are likely to return home lamenting misfortune. Similarly, if we are short but live among people of our same height, we will not be troubled by questions of size. However, if others in our group grow just a little taller than us, we are liable .
① to be apathetic to others
② to consider our condition normal
③ to focus on our own work more easily
④ to feel sudden dissatisfaction and envy
⑤ to be delighted by keeping close relationship with them
3. 다음 중 어법상 적절하지 않은 것을 고르시오.
Many children in poor countries such as some of African or Asian nations are bound to perform poorly in school, ①whatever their innate ability may be. Some of them go hungry at home and also skip lunch at school. This ②makes impossible for them to concentrate, with predicable result for their academical performances. If the kids' parents are illiterate or have to work long hours, they will have no one to help them with their homework. ③Helped or not, they may not even have enough time for homework, if they have to take care of younger siblings or ④tend the family goats. Given all this, as far as we accept we should not punish children for having poor parents, we should take action to ensure that all children have some minimum account of food, healthcare and help with their homework. ⑤Much of this should be provided through public policy. In poor countries,however, the budget is limited. The solution is up to you, the World Citizen! your small contribution will help save the children from a life of poverty, sickness, and malnutrition.
몇년전에 과외하면서 만들어본 자작 문제입니다. 1, 2번은 평이하고 3번은 쪼~금 어려울 수 있어요
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일단 올려!!
If we are made to live in a small cottage and bend to the rule of an aristocrat occupying a castle, and yet we observe that our equals all live exactly as we do. then our condition will seem normal.
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