Aziatix - Go
Don`t have the words to say but baby I`m goin` away…
I took another
road ahead and I`ll be so far away…
Gonna fly to where my water`s sky
Martini, Margaritas on the beach
Yeah now`s the time to party the
night through
Not you girl no one but me
Rap I
It was nice to greet
ya, and it was nice to meet ya but I know that I`m off the hook I`m fishing for
another keeper / I`ll delete ya` never reach ya` girl I`m done with putting you
on, on // never call you again cuz` I`m gone with the wind for the kid it`s time
to move on, on //
Verse I
Baby I don`t mean to be cliché but it`s not
you girl but me
Still got a lot of player left in me so I`ll be on my
Babe I gotta GO GO baby roll…Adios and I`m out the
Babe I gotta GO GO baby roll…Can`t go on playin` you no more
Gonna go
far away
Babe I`m goin` far far away
Babe I gotta GO GO Adios…It`ll never
be the way it was before
Gonna go far away
Babe I`m goin` far far
Rap II
Too many times have I lost control, and now I`m steady
walking out the door // and it`s only right for me to let you know / I`m gone ..
on the next jet to a set where I don`t need nothing planned and //
Party it
up with all I can, with all my will, with all I am /
Sometimes lovers need a holiday and that`s just the way it is
I see the
stars aligned we`re ready to go
Show you that the world is ready for me
Babe I gotta GO GO baby roll…Adios and I`m out the
Babe I gotta GO GO baby roll…Can`t go on playin` you no more
Gonna go
far away
Babe I`m goin` far far away
Babe I gotta GO GO Adios…It`ll never
be the way it was before
Gonna go far away
Babe I`m goin` far far
Gonna fly to where my water`s sky blue
Margaritas on the beach
Yeah now`s the time to party the night through
you girl no one but me
That`s right It`s time for me to party
it up...and it ain`t starting with us / just me and the team overseas we`re
going off to the club //I said I`m going g g going gone // I said I`m going g g
going gone //
Babe I gotta GO GO baby roll…Adios and I`m out
the door
Babe I gotta GO GO baby roll…Can`t go on playin` you no
Gonna go far away
Babe I`m goin` far far away
Babe I gotta GO GO
Adios…It`ll never be the way it was before
Gonna go far away
Babe I`m
goin` far far away
I don`t have the words to say…but baby I`m goin` away…
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5차 까지 있을 때
그런직업 뭐. 없겟지... ㅅㅂ
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