330제 126page 오류
330제 지문
Inventions can take years to come to fruition, so inventors must have a supreme ability to delay gratification, right? On the contrary: Although a workable invention seems like the ultimate payoff, the rewards for inventors are constant. “Every step you take is a eureka moment,” says Anina Sakaguchi, who won the 2008 Dyson Canada Design Competition for engineering a novel bicycle braking system. She says each new version of the design offered another chance to ask the question: “How do I make it better?” Barriers and triumphs can be equally stimulating. “The public sees the end product, but it’s how you get there that motivates me,” says Sakaguchi. Marilyn Jones, a professor at the Montreal Neurological Institute, suggests that if one is intellectually curious, the voyage is at least as rewarding as arriving at the end point.
* 330제의 지문에서 밑줄 친 부분을 보면 왜 you와 me가 나오는 지를 이해할 수 없습니다. 하지만 원문을 찾아보니 이해할 수가 있군요. Sakaguchi란 사람이 학생들과 팀을 이루어서 작업을 하는데 학생들(you)에게 말하는 내용입니다. 즉 밑줄 부분을 해석하면 "대중은 마지막 결과물만을 본다. 하지만 나에게 동기를 부여하는것은 너희들이 거기에 도달한 과정이다"가 되는 것입니다. 원문 아래 내용을 참고해주세요. 원문을 너무 삭제해버려서 생긴 오류랍니다.
원문 추가된 내용
Inventions can take years to come to fruition, so inventors must have a supreme ability to delay gratification, right? On the contrary: Although a workable invention seems like the ultimate payoff, the rewards for inventors are constant. ''Every step you take is a eureka moment,'' says Anina Sakaguchi, who graduated from the University of Guelph with a degree in biological engineering and is now pursuing a Master's of Environmental Science at the University of Toronto. At Guelph, Sakaguchi was part of a student team that won the 2008 Dyson Canada Design Competition for engineering a novel bicycle braking system that could work with one hand. She says each new version of the design offered another chance to ask the question: ''How do I make it better?'' Triumphs and roadblocks can be equally invigorating. ''The public sees the end product, but it's how you get there that interests me,'' says Sakaguchi.Marilyn Jones, a professor at the Montreal Neurological Institute, suggests that if one is intellectually curious, the voyage is at least as rewarding as arriving at the end point.
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