조왕규t [1143129] · MS 2022 (수정됨) · 쪽지

2023-08-02 16:07:53
조회수 1,582

알아두면 좋은 다의어 ②

게시글 주소: https://i1000psi.orbi.kr/00063949228

30. certain [ˈːrtn] → 확실한의 의미를 가진 라틴어 certus에서 유래

1.(한정적)어떤, 2.(서술적)확신하는

파생 숙어 

□ certainly: 1.틀림없이분명히, 2.그럼요물론이죠 ***

□ uncertain: 1.확신이 없는잘 모르는, 2.불확실한불안정한, 3.확정되지 않은반의어 certain: 1.(한정적)어떤, 2.(서술적)확신하는동의어 unclear ***

□ uncertainty: 1.불확실성반신반의, 2.불확실한 것불확실한 상황 ***

□ certain of: ~을 확신하여 ***

□ certainty: 확실한 것확실성 **

□ be certain that: ~을 확신하다 **

□ certain level: 일정 수준 **

□ certain amount: 일정량(一定量) **

□ certain case: 특정 상황 *

□ be certain to v: 반드시 ~할 것이다 동의어 be bound to v, be obliged to v

<과거 기출>

□ uncertain future: 불확실한 미래 *

□ make certain: 확인하다확실히 하다 *

기출문장1)The locker rooms used for half-time breaks were reportedly painted to take advantage of the emotional impact of certain hues. 2015학년도 수능 

 * hues: 색조색상 

기출문장2)In fact, however, the effects of art are neither so certain nor so direct. 2015학년도 수능

기출문장3)In short, we may never know precisely how high is the highest mountain, but we continue to be certain that we can get to the top nevertheless. 2021학년도 9월 모의평가

기출문장4)Taxing certain goods or services, and so increasing prices, should result in either decreased use of these resources or creative innovation of new sources or options. 2022학년도 수능

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